RTW Is Here To Assist You With Your Financial Service Needs, Tax Filings, Accounting …
Although our offices will not be open for regular hours, we will continue to provide our clients with uninterrupted service. RTW will utilize our technical resources to conduct business remotely. As always, we’ll be here to assist and answer your questions and concerns. You can reach us by phone at (855) 205-8486 or through our secure website www.rtwxxact.com. We will also arrange scheduled office visits and you still have the option to securely upload documents via Safe Send straight from RTW’s website. When calling our offices, if you are prompted to leave a message, please indicate which state you are calling from, Ohio or Georgia.
While being available to assist you with your financial service needs is very important to us, our greatest concern is for your health and safety. To ensure that you have the facts about COVID-19, please use this link to go to directly to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html If the link does not open when you click on it, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.